Renovations to Get Your Home SOLD!

home selling helpWith Spring time quickly approaching many homeowners have already started looking into the prospect of selling their home on the fresh market. It’s always a good idea to take a look down the road and plan early for this transition before it’s time to make the move…and of course, when you sell you want to get the most back for your investment.

Good news! We’ve put together 3 renovations that will help you not only get that home sold FAST but also likely for even MORE in your pocket…

There’s nothing quite like some fresh color to breathe new life into things! You will be amazed at how this most simple of changes can make a big impact. You can certainly do this on your own and save a few bucks but it never hurts to at least check into a professional painter – they’ll have insight into the latest color trends and more.

The Master Bath…Or Shower!
A dark, drab bathroom is no way to show things off; considering the large amount of time we will spend in this room over the years it really makes sense that you want it to look nice. This can be as easily done as some fresh paint and fixtures or all new cabinets and tiles – a little goes a long way!

Quartz Counter Tops
Quartz has been a hot trend for a few years and in 2020 it’s tops! This material is a great choice as it is strong, durable, as well as easy to maintain. New styles of quartz are even able to mimic the patterns and textures of marble for an extra rich detail. Even if you don’t go quartz you may want to redo your counter tops if they’re looking outdated. The kitchen after all is one of the other rooms we spend most of our time in!

Don’t know where to start? Know you need to sell your home but feel completely lost? Don’t Panic! We can help – just get in touch!

Questions to Ask Before You Sell

Selling your home can be one of the biggest decisions you’ll make as a homeowner.

Whether it’s due to work relocation, or just that you’ve looked around and decided it’s time for a change, selling your home is something you will want to put some real thought into before jumping in with both feet.

Here are some good things to questions to ask your chosen real estate agent to help make your move a success!

What Is The Last Home You Sold?
Track record counts. While it’s fine to go with a new agent you do want to make sure your needs are taken care of. A good way to protect your own interests is to be sure to work with an agent who has a record of proven results. Ask them about the last home they sold for good insight!

What Is My Home Worth?
Knowing the market is key so you don’t undersell your property or over-price yourself into a long term holding pattern. Before you jump on Zillow or some other automated CMA tool talk to a real live agent – they will know far more about your local market and can give you a much more accurate property assessment.

How Long Will It Take?
Your agent may not be able to give you an exact date, but don’t be discouraged! They will know the market well enough to be able to predict a general timeline and also give references from some of their previous clients.

What Will An Agent Do?
You’ve sold your own car. You’ve sold stuff at a garage sale. Why not sell your own home? What does an agent really do, anyway? Well, you’ll be glad to know a qualified agent will do a lot more than just help shuffle paperwork! A trusted REALTOR will be there to assist with any questions, market your property, and handle any problem items that might arise. Your real estate agent is without a doubt your most valuable asset during a sale.

Find out what working with a professional is really worth – get in touch!! We’ll be there all along the way to help – let’s go find your dream home today!

Tame the Clutter! With These Kondo Tips!

homeowner helpMarie Kondo is the start of an outrageously popular Netflix series called “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo” where she helps homeowners tame their clutter by embracing the things they love in their home. She has some very creative and imaginative ideas for organizing your living spaces, and since the change of seasons is just around the corner it’s a great time to get started thinking about Spring cleaning!

Here are some tips we’ve put together to help you apply some of Marie’s techniques to transform your home into your oasis of tranquility!

Visualize Your Goal
It might seem like a small thing, but it helps to picture in your mind the end result you want before you even begin! Believe it or not this helps the idea of this change seem more real in your mind, and thereby also more achievable.

Does It Spark Joy?
A big part of Marie’s method is to go through items that may be cluttering up your home and ask yourself: “does this item spark joy in me?”. If the answer is not YES! Then it’s no; chances are the item is just something you’re holding onto. Free yourself! Get rid of things just taking up space and make room for what really makes you happy.

Treat Your Possessions Like They’re Alive
Seems kinda nuts doesn’t it? But think about it. A lot of the clutter and disorganization in our lives comes from haphazard habits; only respecting the items when we put them to use. By treating your possessions like they have feelings it makes it easy to treat them properly and put them in their proper places.

Call A Professional
Even if everything goes smoothly and you’re de-cluttering like mad there’s still the problem of where to put all the stuff you’re getting rid of! If you have a truck it’s not such a big problem but otherwise you may want to hire a professional junk hauling company to come pick things up. Some of them even take donations to thrift stores instead of just throwing it all away!

Keeping your home tidy is an essential part to the overall health of your home! You will be absolutely amazed by how much better a clutter free home feels. It’s about more than just cleaning  up – it can help improve every moment you spend in your house.

Tips for Selling a Small Home

Everything is moving in this market! …At least that’s what you’d like to think, but fact is sometimes having a unique home, or a small home can present unique challenges when it comes time to sell – even in this hot market.

To help we’ve put together some tips for how you can make the most of small spaces and get that home sold FAST!

Have a REVERSE House Welcoming Party
At a regular house warming party friends show up with gifts, but at a reverse house warming party you invite friends over and ask them to find something they want to take home with them! Make some appetizers and play a few games – make it a happening! This is a great fun way to get rid of extra clutter that you don’t want to have to move and get the house ready for showing.

Pack Early
Start putting unneeded items away early. Box things up and stow them in the garage or storage if you’re not using them. This is all about creating more available space; the less STUFF you have everywhere the bigger your small space can look.

Change Your Drapes
Heavy or dark drapes can really bring a room down. They let in less light, which can be bad in small spaces, and hide the windows. Consider switching our heavy thick drapes for lighter airy ones that let the light come in more strongly, it will help make your home feel more cheery.

More Mirrors Fewer Prints
If you’ve got a lot of pictures up, especially if the color palettes are wild, you may want to consider taking them down – or even better yet swapping them out with mirrors! Unlike pictures mirror can give an amazing illusion of depth and make a small space feel much larger. Now that’s something to reflect on!

Like any home a small or unique space just needs to find the right buyer.  Applying these helpful tips can present your home in the best light possible; that’s an important part of attracting the right buyers. If you’re thinking about selling your home, or struggling trying to do it on your own we’d love to help!

Home Seller Mistakes To Avoid

Everyone knows the real estate market in Idaho is as hot as the temperatures right now and while it’s easy to get complacent when things are moving it’s still important to do your due diligence when it comes to selling your home.

With real estate going so fast right now selling your home may not be very challenging, but getting the most for your investment can come down to the details so we’ve put together these helpful tips!

Hiring Family
You want to use the services of someone you trust, and you know that if you don’t talk to Uncle Bob about it first you’ll never hear the end of it at the next family reunion…but that’s still no reason to outright hire a family member – unless they are qualified. Plus, should things go badly it could end up making for awkward situations for years to come.

Hiring A Yes-man
You want experience. You hire a real estate professional for their knowledge and skill. That means just having someone say yes yes yes to everything defeats the purpose. By all means, find a agent that is agreeable, but is still confident enough to tell you how things are when necessary.

Hiring Fast
Signing with the first agent you meet without even looking at others, or asking for references and experience history can land you in a bad spot. While it’s not necessary to spend a lot of time window shopping for agents you do want to take a little time and make sure they have the skills you will need.

Hiring Cheap
Hey, everyone wants to save a dollar, that’s no secret but like Ben Franklin used to say: “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten“. Price isn’t everything – that goes for hiring expensive too! – just because an agent offers a lower commission rate doesn’t mean they are not good; likewise having an expensive commission doesn’t guarantee their services will be anything better either.

I hope this has given you some things to think about if you’re currently looking for a real estate agent! It can seem tough to find an agent that not only fits your needs but also your personal preferences, but it can be done with a little time and care. We hope you will take a moment to contact us if you have any questions – we would love to be the agent that helps you find your way home!

Don’t Make These De-cluttering Mistakes!

cabinetsYou wouldn’t believe it from the icicles and ice berms stacked up everywhere, but Spring is just around the corner – and that means Spring cleaning!

Getting things cleaned up and tossing out old clutter is a big part of getting ready for the new season but you’ve got to keep a few things in mind if you want to avoid sabotaging the whole idea and ending up with a living room that looks like tornado alley for the next six months. Here’s some great tips to make your hoard disappear!

Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Until Tomorrow?
Procrastination…putting it off til the last minute can absolutely stymie any productive effort. And sometimes, it’s not a matter of being too busy, just a matter of not making things a priority – or even plain outright laziness. Regardless, don’t keep pushing back your plans to get things done. Claim a weekend to start and stick to it.

Taking It All On At Once
Another sure fire way to sabotage your efforts is to try and do it all at once. Be realistic in your goals, especially if you have a lot to get done, and realize it may not all get done in a day, a weekend, or even a week. Set short achievable milestones for best results; maybe even just go room by room to keep from feeling overwhelmed.

Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail
It’s true. You need to start with just putting together an idea of what you want done – even moreso if your tackling multiple rooms. Make a list of important items in each room before you even begin, or maybe create a loose timeline of your goals. Taking just a little time before you begin to think of where you want to end is always a good idea.

Struggling to tame the tide of stuff? Considering just moving to get rid of it all? Don’t despair! As your real estate profession I have the resources to help you get your home ready if you’re considering a sale, or can put you in touch with the services you’ll need to make your home happy while you’re in it! GET IN TOUCH!

Cheap and Easy Tips for a Cozy Fall Spaces

cozy-coffee-pexels-photoCooler temperatures are finally showing up across the country, the leaves are changing to gold ; there is a crispness to the air that lets you know Winter is on the way!

That means it’s time for big sweaters and boots, scarves and hot cocoa and making the home warm and welcoming. We’ve put together some easy (and cheap!) ideas for making things around the house perfect for friends and family!

Layer Up!
A blend of fabrics and textures is a big part in feeling snuggled and warm, so be sure to include a few new big pillows or fluffy throws on the couch to bundle in the cozy feelings. This goes for bedrooms too – a change in pillow cases and sheets can completely change the bedtime feel.

Even if you’re not having a particularly large gathering at your home a nice table or counter top centerpiece is a great way to change the mood and ring in each holiday.  The possibility of a scent warmer or candle and you can add a great aromatherapy element as well.

It’s something that really goes unnoticed, but the smells of your home can really change the whole mood. Consider scented warmers or candles, or even an old fashioned stove top pot of cider to get those rich warm smells flowing. Think warming spices like orange, clove, apple spice, and cinnamon. Here’s a great cider recipe too!

Trappings of the Season
This could be something as simple as swapping out a few of the decorations on the mantle, or hanging a wreath on the front door or near the entry way. Adding a touch of evergreen to your home has been a long tradition for the colder seasons to serve as a reminder that the icy nights won’t last forever – and of course the notorious mistletoe is ever popular come Christmas time.

How do you welcome the seasons and it’s guests into your home?
We’d love to hear about them; if you’re still searching to find a place to call your own get in touch!

Is Your House Just No Fun?

happy homeownersHome design doesn’t have to be stuffy! Interior decorating should say something about your style, and it’s okay that it does it with a bit of humor. But it can be difficult to balance your childhood whimsy with your grown up sensibilities. Here are some ways to add some fun to your home!

Start at the Front Door
It seems so simple: start at the beginning! Your front door is the very first thing most visitors will see when they come over, so start there. This can be as simple as a humorous welcome mat, or a cute door hanger that will make guests smile.

Color Me Impressed
If it’s the kids room this is easy: go WILD! Make the room a fun theme like a jungle or a spaceship! If this is for the other rooms of the house maybe go a little more grown up; think beyond paint. You can add fun pops of color to a room with fun pillows or a themed throw blanket.

It’s a VERB! That’s right! The deal breakers are in the details, so don’t be afraid to take the time to add a little charm to any room by using the right accessories. It might be a little book of witty sayings on the coffee table, or a funny little picture over the commode in the bathroom. There are dozens of ways to add some fun using small items in just about any room – but don’t over do it!

Home Is Where the Art Is
Art. Paint it, collect it, hang it on the wall – it’s good for all of those things. And whether your tastes are modern, traditional, or eclectic you can always find some kind of art that will suit your style and add some fun to your hum drum home. There’s nothing more sad than a blank wall, so think about what you like and don’t be afraid to put it up, after all this is your new home!

Not quite ready to get to the decorating part? Still looking for a home to buy? Need to sell the one you’re in first? No matter what your situation we can help you make your next move the right one!

Sell That Home FAST!

moneyhousingWith low home inventory and steady prices in Idaho already this year, many industry experts are agreeing that 2015 could be the year of the sellers market return.

That being said it doesn’t mean it’s going to be an easy move; buyers are being even more particular about the homes they view as they still have a number of options to consider. I’ve put together a few tips to help you get your home ready for buyers and get it sold fast!

Power Up
Consider adding power outlets with USB ports. It’s a minor thing but for today’s tech savvy families this could be a huge selling point.

Clean Up
Get the carpets cleaned by a professional, do the same for your wood floors. Dingy dirty floors are a major turn off and one of the first, most noticeable, elements to any space.

Don’t be afraid to open up that kitchen space. Open flow designs are all the rage and often with just a little remodel you can really add some appeal to the room that is often considered the heart of your home.

Keep Up on the Yard
Curb appeal is largely made up by your home exterior – especially the landscaping. Now, in Winter time it will be a bit harder to really showcase your lawn but you can do simple things like making sure the hedges are trimmed, and that the side walks and drives are cleared of snow.

Ditch the Wallpaper
Unless it’s something really modern or suited to the entire rest of the house it’s likely a good idea to tear out that old parlor wall paper and go with something more sleek and chic.

Price to Sell
That doesn’t mean undercut your investment, but be sure your home is priced competitively for the market. A great starting point is to have a comparative home market analysis done by a qualified REALTOR. Don’t be afraid to go a little low either, some times pricing a little below market value can entice more buyers and lead to multiple offers.

Things Home Sellers Need to Do in 2015!

2015The new year is upon us and it’s time to embrace the change and seek a brighter tomorrow! For those considering selling their home the warmer Spring months ahead it’s prime time to get things ready for making the big move. Here are some tips for not only those looking to sell their home but also for those looking to spice up the place they’ve hung their hat for years already.

Get Creative.
Step back and really look at your space. Sometimes it helps to clear the room of furniture – and hey, with Spring cleaning, you were going to be doing that anyway right? Consider doing a full remodel, if it makes sense. Knock down a wall, but in a bar or kitchen island.

Bail on Beige.
Blah. Neutral. Beige. Off-white. Honestly, even taupe is better! Be bold! Claim your walls! Be mindful of current styles and trends, and maybe not go full chartreuse, but really…we can’t suggest this one enough.

Update your lighting.
Did 1995 call and tell you that 8 glass panel chandelier in the dining room was missing? Yeah. It’s like that. Consider not only new updated fixtures but also the bulbs themselves! Lighting has come a long way in the last 20 years; you could actually be saving yourself money.

Clean out the garage.
If you are going to be selling your home this just makes good sense. You’ll be making the task of moving a little bit easier. If you are not moving then it’s a good idea just because it will help you use the space more efficiently – imagine! being able to actually park your car…in the garage! It can happen! The legends are true! Start by getting rid of anything you haven’t seen or used in the last 5 years. Chances are, unless it’s a family treasure, you can do without it.

There are a hundred tips to get your house in tip-top shape! Most of them you can find on your own just by stopping and really taking a look around. From de-cluttering to just old fashioned cleaning and painting you can do a lot to make your home more sellable or to keep your house more livable for yourself!